
How to reduce delivery times

How to reduce delivery times

Numerous studies show that it is up to 7 times more expensive to attract new customers than to keep existing ones. Therefore, taking care of the relationship with our client base is a better investment for our company, according to the specialized agency. Demandforce.

And how can we keep our customers? If your company is part of the logistics sector, keep reading, because we have a lot to tell you that will interest you.

Delivery times: the great logistical challenge

Surely it has happened to you too: you buy something online that you need immediately, but delivery times are a real nightmare.

It is nothing new to emphasize that the logistics sector is one of the most competitive and most competitive considering the operations of large companies, who offer increasingly shorter delivery times, of even hours. For this reason, offering an agile delivery service is currently one of the biggest differentiations and the main objective for any logistics company.

And now surely you have doubts: and how do I do it? Below we will explain the 3 essential techniques to optimize and improve your delivery times.

Techniques to reduce delivery times

Optimize routes

Route optimization will be your best weapon to reduce delivery times to a minimum.

For the route optimization prior planning will be essential: defining the total number of stops to be made, establishing a specific schedule or even detailing restrictions such as weight or volume in each vehicle. All these characteristics of our delivery route, if we take them into account at the time of planning, will help us to result in a customized route adapted to the operational needs of our company.

Once we have strategic planning, it will be time to optimize our route. We understand that a route is optimal and, therefore, is optimized, when the result is efficient in terms of time and mileage. Incorporating route optimization software in this step will be essential to have efficient routes, since using artificial intelligence it will effectively calculate in a matter of seconds what is the best route we can take. All of this will help reduce delivery time by more than 30% with respect to other routes.

Incorporate technology into your operating process

Digital logistics transformation is already a reality and, therefore, it is essential not to be left behind and incorporate it into our operations.

In order to be able to adapt to the needs of our commercial activity together with the technological requirements that are increasing at the social level, it is essential to include specialized software that not only improves the efficiency of our daily activities but also increases the level of competitiveness of our company compared to others.

An example of technological inclusion is the incorporation of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in our company. CRMs are software specialized in a set of practices, business strategies and technologies aimed at fostering an efficient relationship with our customers.

Communicate with your customers

In relation to the above, with regard to incorporating specialized software into our operations, it is also essential to have specialized programs in the direct communication with our users.

Not having direct and effective communication with your customers and even with the drivers and delivery people themselves is one of the biggest mistakes in logistics. Being able to enjoy direct communication channels that allow our users to know when they will receive a package, to verify that a service has been carried out or what phase of the operation it is in is key to effective deliveries and also to the satisfaction of all parties.

With SmartMonkey Planner you can count on each and every one of the techniques that will reduce your delivery times from day one. Do you want to try it? Now you can do it and for 10 days for free!

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